Until Dawn The Quarry

Until Dawn vs The Quarry

Andy looks at Until Dawn and The Quarry, while staying in a secluded cabin in the mountains. He’s there to watch a mysterious meteor shower – like a big nerd – but his night goes horribly wrong when a violent psychopath returns to his old hunting grounds to slaughter anyone that he finds.

For Halloween, the podcast delved back into the horror genre once again for its own spin on the slasher movie.

Until Dawn was released in 2015 as a PS4 exclusive, developed by Supermassive Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The Quarry, another Supermassive title and this time published by 2K, was released in 2022 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. There was also an Until Dawn remake in 2024, which sucked, so let’s ignore that one.

The categories for this episode are (1) Characters, (2) Story, (3) Location, Location, Location, (4) Gameplay, and (5) The Scare Factor.

Originally released on 1UP Pod.

Creator Notes.